How BB Works

You Were Never Lovelier (1942)

You Were Never Lovelier (1942)

Film Recommendations

3 in a Category
Monthly, three movie recommendations will be provided from a certain genre (i.e. Western, Mystery, etc.)

Weekend Watch
One movie for the weekend that I, too, will be watching. 

Star of the Month Movie Recommendations
Each Star of the month will have one post dedicated to them, with four essential movie recommendations coming out weekly.  

The Essentials
These are the lists of classic stars and films that everyone should know (i.e. the essential classic movies that everyone should watch).

Vault Hauls

This is a list of the classic movies that I have watched in the past month. I include what were new watches, and whether I would or would not recommend them. 

Discoveries & Reviews

Movie Reviews
Read reviews of movies that I have recently discovered, or new movies that have a chance to be "modern classics."

Behind the Lens

Singin' in the Rain (1952)

Singin' in the Rain (1952)

Film History
This is where I explore subjects on the history of filmmaking, go behind the camera, or explain the context of what was happening in the culture at the time of that particular film.

Behind the Stars
Posts on important people in classic film; this could include stars as well as famous directors, screenwriters, film composers etc.

Star of the Month
Each month I will select one actor or actress from the Golden of Age of Cinema to focus on. This will include a brief profile including some core films.